New Exhibit Opening – June 20, 2019

Join us for the opening of our newest exhibit! Seeing Sound and Painting Music: The Art of Christina Eve will debut Thursday, June 20th at 5:30 in the evening.

Classically-trained musician, visual artist, and synesthete Christina Eve has a rare neurological condition called synesthesia that merges the senses, allowing her to see colors and shapes when she hears music. ​As a synesthetic artist, she translates what she hears into visual form so others can see the beauty of sound.

In addition to portraying music, Christina uses aurally-stimulated images to illustrate other invisible things like grief and despair, hope and redemption. Her current focus is to give voice to the complex and inexpressible experiences of humanity as a way to offer empathy and compassion, and to encourage others to seek out light and color hidden in the dark.

All are welcome. Light refreshments provided.

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